The real estate expert
In which case?
Donation or inheritance, exit from joint possession, ISF, litigation, request for insurance, etc… or only to check the market value of the property you wish to acquire
What does the expert do?
He determines the market value of a property on a specific date
If the value opinion is a simple estimate and can be given by a real estate agent, the expertise carried out by an FNAIM Expert corresponds to the service of a specialist trained in the various valuation methods.

Our ambition : fulfilling your needs
How is it going?
After signing a mission letter and compiling the file, the Expert makes an in-depth visit to the premises, studies the market, then writes a detailed report which is delivered within a specified period.
Are you interested?
Please fill out the form, you will be contacted within 48 hours.
The past, a foundation for the future
Cela vous intéresse ?
Merci de remplir le formulaire, vous serez contacté sous 48h.